Delphine Mercier
Delphine Mercier, Sociologist, is Director of Research at the CNRS in France. She has been working at the Laboratoire d'Économie et de Sociologie du Travail (Aix en Provence) since 2001, where she has been deputy director since 2015. She directed the CEMCA, Centre for Mexican and Central American Studies in Mexico City for five years from 2009 to 2014 and created the USR Latin America which she directed from 2010 to 2014. She defended a Habilitation to direct research at the EHESS, École des hautes Études en Sciences Sociales, Paris.
As a labour sociologist, she has specialised in migration and labour issues in the context of globalisation, particularly in Latin America, Europe, North Africa and recently in the Middle East. She is a specialist in multi-sited observation, long-term ethnography and transnational comparisons. Her latest research focuses on the integration of Syrian refugees in the labour markets of Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey. She has coordinated or co-coordinated several international programmes such as FABRICAMIG.SA, BLUEGRASS, LAJEH, MIRAGES. She is currently directing or co-directing eight PhD theses. Since January 2020 she is the deputy research director of the Institut d'Etablissement SoMuM - Sociétés en Mutation en Méditerranée of Aix Marseille University.
She is currently leading an ANR programme LE GRAND ENTREPÔT ‘The Large Warehouse. An Emerging Storage Industry: Markets, Economic Organisations and Networks’, in partnership between MFO and LEST, and is also contributing to the ANR MIJMA ‘The Migration of Young African Minors to Europe: transnationalisation and early empowerment processes?’. During the next two years in Oxford (2022-2024), she wishes to conduct research in England and Ireland, as part of her research programme, she wishes to collaborate with teams from Oxford, Durham and Leicester on issues of migration, transnational labour markets and issues of borders that act as new regulators of the global economy.
Among her recent publications and co-editions:
- Experiencing Ruptures in Migration: Ordinary and Unexpected Journeys of Global Migrants, Transnational Press London, 2022, (with Zuñiga V., Doraï K., El Miri M. and Peraldi M.)
- Les Frontières au travail. Migration, travail et la fabrique des frontières. Amérique Centrale, Maghreb et Moyen Orient, Edition Karthala, Collection Terrains du Siècle, Paris, 2020. (With El Miri M. and Peraldi M.)
- Ces jeunes qui migrent au Canada, Numéro thématique, Revue Hommes & Migrations, Numéro 1336, coordinated by Mercier D., Bélanger D., El Miri M. and Simard-Gagnon L. 2022 - Temps et Migrations, Thematic issue, Revue Temporalités, Number 33, 2021, coordinated by - Mercier D., Chiffoleau S. and Thoemmes Y. - Les professions au Mexique à l'épreuve de la globalisation, Revue thématique, Revue Formation Emploi, coordinated by Perez P., Mercier D. and Giret J.F.
- Mercier D., "'Suzana's choices'. Working in the maquiladoras, migrating to survive and living transnationally", in Mercier D. and al, Experiencing Ruptures in Migration: Ordinary and Unexpected Journeys of Global Migrants, Transnational Press London, 2021, pp. 147-159.
- Mercier D. and Tripier P., "Nomadism: A forgotten paradigm", in Averbouh A., Goutas N. and Méry S., Nomad Lives. From Prehistoric times to the present day, Publications Scientifiques du Museum national d'Histoire naturelle, 2021, pp. 53-61.
- D. Mercier and G. Roux, "Les frontières, des rues comme les autres. Working in the streets, the workers of the streets and border crossings. Mexico - Central America', Images of work, work of images [Online], 11 | 2021, DOI :
- M. Da Cruz and D. Mercier, "I Walk and I Cross the line. Le cas des opérateurs transnationaux des centres d'appels au Mexique", Formation emploi, [Online] and Format Papier, 153 | January-March 2021, DOI :
- T. Labadi and D. Mercier, "Des dispositifs d'exception comme laboratoires de la mondialisation : le cas des zones industrielles qualifiées en Jordanie", Géographie, économie, société, vol. 22, no. 2, 2020, pp. 183-207.