CONFERENCE 'The Travelling Self: Tourism and Life-Writing in Eighteenth-Century Europe'
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Convened by Catriona Seth (All Souls College, Oxford) & Giovanni Iamartino (Università degli Studi di Milano Statale)
The Travelling Self: Tourism and Life-Writing in Eighteenth-Century Europe
Le Moi en voyage : Tourisme et Écriture de soi dans l’Europe du XVIIIe Siècle

A Wall in Naples (1782). Oil on paper, 11.4 × 16 cm. National Gallery, London
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Thursday 18 –1.30-6.00pm – Maison Française d’Oxford
1.30-2.00 – Conference registration and welcome address
2.00-3.40 – Session 1: Visiting England / En visite en Angleterre
Chair: Catriona Seth (Oxford)
- Leena Eilittä (Helsinki), The self in 18th-century British travelogues from the north
- Francesca Pagani (Bergamo), « Ma tournée d’Angleterre ». La comtesse d’Albany et ses notes de voyage
- Damiano Bardelli (Lausanne), Sous l’aile de Gibbon. Le séjour anglais du jeune vaudois Wilhelm de Charrière de Sévery
- Erica Vianello (Augsburg / Venice), Les Lettres sur l’Angleterre, la Hollande et l’Italie d’Anne-Marie du Boccage : entre écriture de soi et représentations sociales
3.40-4.10 – Break
4.10-5.40 – Session 2: Paradigms / Paradigmes
Chair: Alba Graziano (Viterbo)
- Richard Ansell (London), Servants’ travel journals as life-writing
- Elisabetta Lonati (Eastern Piedmont), “The Author cannot help feeling himself under an obligation of apologising for the frequent egotisms”: the travelling self in medical geography
- Laura Pinnavaia (Milan), Analysing 18th-century travelogues published in England: an insight into the travelling selves
- Agnes Dobek (Budapest), Journey to Italy: Identity-forming experiences described in the letters of Hungarian historian Joseph Koller
Friday 19 – 9.00am-5.00pm – Maison Française d’Oxford
9-10.30 – Session 3: Italy and the arts / L’Italie et les arts
Chair: Anne-Sophie Gabillas (Maison Française d’Oxford)
- Mathilde Vallieres (Paris / Montréal), « [U]n pays entièrement nouveau pour moi » : les Voyages de Montesquieu, récit d’une éducation artistique?
- Elania Pieragostini (Independent), The life of an artist in Rome: The Memoirs by Thomas Jones (1742-1803)
- Elisa Debenedetti (Rome), Winckelmann et Mengs à Villa Albani à partir des dessins Torlonia
- Laura Giuliano (Independent Scholar), “I expose myself to the censure of the first connoisseurs”. Lady Anna Miller and her personal perception of Italian Art
10.30-11 – Break
11-12.30 – Session 4: Fictions and travels / Fictions et voyages
Chair: Francesca Pagani (Bergamo)
- Odile Richard (Limoges), Grands-pères, pères et impairs : Le voyage à Berlin du petit-fils de Diderot (1800-1801). Un hommage véritable au célèbre auteur du Voyage à Bourbonne et à Langres (1770)?
- Maria Fiorella Suozzo (Salerno), “Shall I tell you my dreams?”: William Beckford’s crafted persona in his Grand Tour travelogue Dreams, Waking Thoughts and Incidents
- Souad Bouhouch (Gafsa), Des Carnets de voyages à Corinne ou l’Italie de Germaine de Staël: un “Moi” en voyage entre l’ambivalence et l’enthousiasme créateur
- Andrea Gatti (Bologna), Travelogues and fictional self. Joseph Addison’s Remarks on several parts of Italy
12.30-1.30 – Lunch
1.30-3 – Session 5: Women on tour / Des touristes femmes
Chair: Caroline Warman (Jesus College, University of Oxford)
- Bella Takushinova (Turin), Through the female gaze. Russian women travellers of the Grand Tour in late 18th-century Italy
- Cinzia Recca (Catania), A female Grand Tour in Sicily: Amazement and magnificence in the travelling accounts of of Lady Ellis Cornelia Knight (1799-1800)
- Tiziana Ingravallo (Foggia), Women’s mobility in the 1790s: Helen Maria Williams and Mary Morgan
- Miriam Al Jamil (Independent Scholar), A vicar’s daughter in post-Napoleonic Europe
3-3.30 – Break
3.30-5 – Session 6: The self and others / Soi et les autres
Chair: Laura Pinnavia (Milan)
- Gianni De Nittis (Modena and Reggio), Imagination and the Self. Reflections on identity and otherness in Goethe’s Italian Journey
- Thomas Leonard-Roy (Sassari), Hating abroad: Lady Mary Wortley Montagu and Byron in Italy
- Daniele Niedda (Rome), The elusive Self of William Beckford in Italy
- Ester Giachetti (Venice), Pierre-Jean Mariette in Italy: letter to his father
Saturday 20 – 9.30-12.00pm – Wharton Room, All Souls College, Oxford
09.30-11 – Session 7: Unusual guides / Des guides inhabituels
Chair: Giovanni Iamartino (Milan)
- Rhys Kaminski-Jones (Lampeter), India as seen from Flintshire: Thomas Pennant’s ‘View of Hindoostan’
- Antoine Chatelain (Lyon), Entre écrit du for privé et guide impersonnel : le journal de voyage en Italie de l’abbé Gougenot
- Marilina Gianico (Independent), Un Jésuite à Rome : le voyage en Italie dans l’Itinéraire de l’abbé François-Xavier de Feller
- Thomas Archambaud (Glasgow), A global Ancien régime? The travels of Sir John Macpherson and Abu Taleb Khan in revolutionary Europe, 1789-1803
11-11.30 – Coffee Break and departure of speakers